Bi-City Golf Club Tournament scheduled for April 4-5
has been postponed and will be rescheduled.

See Tournament Schedule for other changes.

Scholarship Application and Guidelines
SAAG announces 2020 Scholarship Program...

more info
Smart Phone Menu




The 2024 SAAG Season Tournament Information is now available on the website. Click on Tournament Info.

Welcome to SAAG, Inc Official Web Site

Started originally with golfers reciprocating participation in local club tournaments, SAAG, Inc has grown to a regional organization of 18 golf clubs in 11 states.

Formally founded August 5, 2006 as the Southern Association of Amateur Golfers, our focus is to promote interest in golf through its clubs and members; to encourage the general public through related social, scholastic, civic and charitable activities and a better understanding of the game of golf.

The memberships of SAAG, Inc are of three types:    

  1. Charter Clubs - All clubs that met and voted on the original founding are recognized as charter members.
  2. Chapter Clubs - All clubs, after ratification of the original constitution, joining this organization shall be entitled to full membership in the SAAG and furthermore shall be subject to all rules and regulations regarding membership.
  3. Omega Club - Shall be composed of all deceased individuals of the organization.

Any club desiring membership into the SAAG, shall make application through any member club.  The member club is to forward the request to the nation office for review and vote by the member at the annual meeting.  A new club may not be admitted without receiving a minimum of 75% of the organizations vote.

If you or your club have interest in SAAG, or are considering joining; please contact us.

Press Release
Former SAAG President, Joe Hall, to be honored by Global Golf Institute

The 2017 New Orleans golf & jazz tournament and achievement awards Banquet

New Orleans, LA, April 17, 2017:
it’s ‘GOLF & JAZZ’ time in new orleans!!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30th, and 31st, Global Golf Institute (GGI) will proudly present its Sixth Annual New Orleans Golf and Jazz Tournament and Achievement Awards Banquet. MORE...

Photos from SAAG Events